Day: June 8, 2023

Digital Transformation at Singapore Pools

sgp pools is a state-owned gambling organisation that offers lottery and sports betting services. It also curbs illegal gambling and channels revenue into the social welfare, arts and heritage sectors. You could say that there’s an unintended pun in its name, for Singapore Pools really seeks to pool resources for the benefit of all.

Established in 1968, Singapore Pools is a subsidiary of the Tote Board and reports to the government’s Ministry of Finance. Its core mission has always been to provide citizens with a trusted and efficient way to place bets, combat illegal gambling operators and channel lottery proceeds into community development projects and charities.

As part of its digital transformation strategy, the company needed to build a flexible, automated and scalable infrastructure to handle increased volumes of transactions. It also needed to improve its ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues in the event of an outage. Yeo Teck Guan, chief information officer at Singapore Pools, says they chose Oracle Cloud Observability and Management because of its deep visibility into their IT estate. Using the platform, they can monitor and optimize all layers of their technology stack, cutting troubleshooting time by half, while reducing outage risk.

Yeo and his team launched the new online platform and a mobile app for customers to onboard, manage and bet. The platform is fully managed by the Oracle Public Cloud, which provides a high level of security and performance at scale. This approach has given Singapore Pools the flexibility to meet customer demand and scale up when necessary, while minimizing disruption and downtime.

The digital transformation at the company has also helped its employees become more productive, enabling them to focus on customer-facing activities. For example, the new platform is now fully automated so that it can be accessed anywhere, anytime and on any device. It also makes it easier for employees to access data, report incidents and take remedial action.

Aside from being more convenient and secure, the new platform has increased the speed and accuracy of lottery results. For instance, the winning numbers are now displayed as soon as they’re announced and can be accessed on any device. The new website has also made it easier for customers to register and check their tickets online.

In the past, Singapore Pools had to manually update its systems with spreadsheets. This was not only time-consuming but also error-prone. With Oracle, the company can now monitor and resolve any issues within minutes, which has significantly reduced downtime. The company has also seen a reduction in the time required for its IT teams to perform audits. In addition, the solution has also enabled them to optimise system resources in real-time. As a result, the organization has been able to improve overall service delivery. This has also boosted the organisation’s brand image. Consequently, the customer base has been growing steadily over the last few years. The organization is looking forward to continuing its growth in the coming years.