What is Data SGP?
Data SGP is the collective set of data collected over time that teachers and administrators use to better understand student performance. It includes individual-level measures like test scores and growth percentiles as well as aggregated data at the school and district levels including class size, attendance rates and graduation rates. Data SGP is important because it helps us better understand student progress and supports our efforts to improve instruction and assessment.
Students make progress in different ways and at different times. In general, progress is measured in terms of how much students grow compared to the average of their academic peers (e.g. a student may grow 70 points on a subject-matter assessment if they were in the bottom quarter of students with comparable prior test score histories). Using SGPs allows educators to compare students in similar conditions and provide more accurate information about student achievement.
SGPs are computed from longitudinal student assessment data by calculating the statistical growth profile for each student over time based on a growth standard established using their prior test score history. SGPs enable teachers and administrators to visualize student growth trajectories over time, helping them identify areas of strength and weakness in their instruction. Additionally, SGPs allow them to determine the amount of growth each student will need in order to meet their achievement goals and attain proficiency.
Student Growth Plots are used for a variety of purposes, including to inform instructional decisions, evaluate school/district effectiveness, and support broader research initiatives. Educators should consider sharing individual SGPs with parents, as they can be an extremely valuable tool to help them navigate the complexity of their child’s learning and development. Additionally, individual SGPs can be incorporated into educator Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and should be considered when evaluating the progress of school/district improvement efforts.
SGPs contribute to accountability and are used as one indicator of teacher and leader effectiveness within the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System and Leader Keys Effectiveness System. They are also part of the state’s College and Career Ready Performance Index, which is combined with several other indicators to provide an indication of student achievement in a particular school or district.
Data SGPs can also be used to assess accelerated programs and ensure that the majority of students remain on pace with their academic peers without being held back by a small percentage of students who cannot keep up with their fast-paced classmates.
While SGPs are a useful measure of student progress, they do not replace the need for schools to set and communicate achievement targets and goals. To best align with student needs, it is essential that schools and districts continue to use value-added measures to provide the most accurate and informative representation of student achievement.