The HK Prize – Celebrating Heroes of Conscience
HK Prize is an incredibly competitive writing contest that awards many authors each year. Not only does it offer financial gain, but it also helps writers build their professional image and increase cultural awareness of Hong Kong. If you are interested in participating, make sure to carefully read the rules and submit your article on time.
The Hong Kong Prize was founded to celebrate scientists who embody humanity through their research. It is an illustrious award that honors scientific innovation and transformation that has a great impact on society. This award is open to researchers worldwide and selected through a rigorous peer review process free from sponsorship or special committee influence. Winners of the hk prize reap several benefits, including financial rewards and access to top research facilities.
In a letter, the professors compared the activists to other prominent dissidents and persecuted freedom fighters, such as Hitler critic Carl von Ossietzky, Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov and Polish politician Lech Walesa. “To bestow the hk prize on these heroes of conscience would underscore the highest moral aspirations of humanity,” they wrote.
Hong Kong has long been a hub for freedom of speech and expression in Asia. But last summer, Beijing imposed national security law that gives police wide powers to crack down on dissent, prompting hundreds of arrests, lowering the city’s global ranking as a place for press freedom.
As a result, the Justice Centre has expanded its work in Hong Kong to provide legal assistance, psychosocial support and research projects for forced migrants. Its goal is to ensure no one walks alone on their journey towards protection, justice and a decent life for them.
The HK prize offers a variety of perks to its winners, from international exposure and top-tier media coverage to access to Hong Kong’s premier research facilities. Thousands of scholars participate in the competition each year. Winners can look forward to attending seminars or research internships in the city, collaborating with cutting-edge scientists from all over the world and learning about Hong Kong’s unique culture.
Those who win the HK prize will be awarded a monetary prize of up to HK$25,000. In addition, they will receive a trophy and the opportunity to present their research at an award ceremony in Hong Kong. The judges will assess the entries based on the quality of the research, as well as the originality and potential impact of the work.
This year, finalists included an individual who used technology to assist homeless individuals and an artist who reinterprets human rights into fine art concepts. Peony Sham, a student from Harrow International School, won the top prize for her work on mental health, which she founded as part of a global youth initiative. Her work focuses on promoting peer support among young people on issues that affect them, aiming to improve mental wellbeing across the globe. Her prize will help her fund her next project. Her school will also receive a HK$25,000 grant for their contribution to the field of education.